Perhaps the strongest impression on your website visitors will make your web pages. Everything you see, or good or bad impression of your site. This is confirmed by two factors, the visual aspect of your site, as well as the convenience and functionality. You must provide a better picture. Follow these guidelines to ensure that your site is well designed:
> Make the content easy to find. Make sure that the information and content of your site's visitors who came here in a place that is very easy to navigate. People do not want to click on link after link to find what you're looking for. The rule is that people have fewer clicks to be more satisfied. If you sell something, then it is likely that the market with fewer clicks.
> Make sure that you have on every page of your site, simply click on the link. For example, if you are on any page of your site, you should be able to reach your home page links for you. This makes it easy for visitors on their current, as well as for the Google spiders crawl.
> Do not make your pages too busy. Do not keep the visitors far too much information on one page, especially in advertisements. Setting too many ads on one page, actually reducing the rate of clicks. Negative ads are the visitors attention to them easier.
> Check references. This is a very simple step that will help you to irritate your visitors. It only takes a few minutes to find out whether people move around your site.
> Select a color scheme and conduct. You do not want bright colors distract people from the content of websites. The use of color is good, but have subtle nuances of the path.
> Make the navigation easy. It contains a navigation bar at the top and / or a portion of their pages. The most popular and links to them
> Pictures of your content more interesting. The picture worth a thousand words, so you need to claim their points
> Be careful not to take too many photos or images with a file size of pages is too high, as this will increase the charging time. The people do not wait more than 5 or 6 seconds per page load to failure, so that your images are optimized.
Web Design Tips: Optimize your website for success
Labels: Web Design