Google AdSense is a unique program

Google AdSense is a unique program, a significant portion of income over time, if you're patient. Here you will find an overview of the basics of Google AdSense.
To understand the foundations of Google AdSense, you must first understand, Google AdWords. AdWords is a program where you can place a bet, click to buy a seat on the platform from the Google ads. and This includes ads that you see at the top and right-hand column of results when searching on Google.
AdSense is the result of smart thinking that basically want the Google AdWords distribution. With Adsense, Google has a unique approach of independent sites to allow certain types of ads on your pages. Such advertisement
within the site and content-targeted advertising AdWords advertisers can from it. Most do not.
Beauty lies in the fact that Google Adsense revenue elsewhere. For example, we can assume that someone from 60 cents to bid on placing ads AdWords. The site displays ads through the AdSense. If you click on the advertisement to a person on this site, Google charges the advertiser and split the money with the site. The exact amount of the division is not supported by Google, but, as you know, improving the quality of transport and click on other aspects.
Google AdSense program is very easy to use. Subscribe to Google, and it is able to select the ad format you want on your site. Google is now Java-script, copy and paste the HTML code into your page. You can not change the code, but you can select anywhere on your page that you want.
Once you've inserted the code and publish your website, it is time to sit and watch. Google offers into your account in the area. You can see and click on information about income and monthly totals. For additional information, as well as Upon reaching total revenue of $ 100, Google will begin to control you. The audit was carried out at the end of the month following the month in which the magic of the $ 100 charged.

Of course, there are Google AdSense, if you have a full, but it teaches the basics of the game. You will be tempted to click on the link to your page. No! Google banned the program.

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