The sharp increase of dynamic pages SEO URL descriptive

Dynamic pages are typically read horrible URL, for example, " / thread.php? Id = 3951 AND page = 2". URL absolutely nothing to suggest that the page is different, perhaps carving. If you think you are, you are missing a valuable opportunity to further optimize the search engines.

No URL like "" much better? First, you know just from reading the address exactly what is happening: if you want to know how delicious Bubble Wrap, which is the page that you want to see. Secondly, and more importantly, more space to search for keywords in the URL.

Technical part of this guide will vary based on which scripting language you use. I will use PHP, but are similar ways to do this with other languages.

First, you must run the script in a file without an extension, instead of one. PHP extension (or the use of their language). I have my ForceType explanation. Htaccess for threads to view the file as an attachment in X-HTTPD-PHP, PHP script.

At the moment, this scenario as " / thread ID = 3951 AND page = 2". This is better because they did not use a script language. There is nothing good in terms of SEO.

Then, the arguments in our script with the "explosion" of this function, as follows:

$ Arguments = explode ("/",$_ SERVER [ "PHP_SELF"]);

If you have access to " ', $ argument is an array of" 3951 "and" 2. "You can blow up the second statement (or statement strtok), so that these two arguments, which separated by a hyphen, but later as the most important part of this

And finally, translate the title of the document (in the forum thread name or the name of the blog) in the area to replace the spaces by means of hyphens. You may notice some pages with highlights, but I noticed that the words separated by underscores, the words and no more than words. If the spaces, however, were in disarray unreadable.

Add a bit of code at the beginning of the script that you optimize to make sure that the URL, which you want to be (and, hence, thread/4614-blah-1 distracts thread/4614-Styrofoam--Is-Great-1), add . HTML for the whole show, and you're done!

To avoid excessive use of words that do not actively participate in SEO, you can use the channel strip to replace words like "I", "B" and "Y" in the URL.

Many search engines do not index the full spectrum of web site if you are behind all of the standard argument is that giving them a URL-addresses, which look like file names, so that all your pages indexed and increase their SEO value. Make your URL to read a person is an advantage, too.

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