You may be willing to spend enough each month to get a good Internet connection. But if you get quality in accordance with what you have to pay? Maybe the speed and quality of services in accordance with what is not offered. Therefore, use tools below to ensure you get your internet connection, as has been promised.
Performance and Speed
# Test your Internet connection speed Speedtest: Test speed internet through a Flash-based view and compare the speed of your internet with other people around the world and in the vicinity of where you live. (Thanks Aerialsky)
# Intel Broadband Speed Test: Use this to compare your speed with other people.
Doctor Ping #: Compare your ping time of more than 100 servers with the average of other users.
# Roadrunner Speed Test: Test your connection Roadrunner to see if you get your connection speed in accordance with that you have to pay.
# AT & T Speed Test: Same as Roadrunner, this tool will analyze the movement of data AT & T you.
# Audit My PC's Broadband Speed Test: broadband speed test results that provide accurate and easily understood.
# Internet Performance and Speed Test: Use this to test the speed of your internet.
# Speakeasy Speed Test: accurately measure the speed of connection and your internet connection with Speakeasy test.
# Is your ISP promised uptime (time online) 100%? Test with these tools. IsItUp: With this service you can monitor the uptime of an ISP external system.
# 24 × 7 Monitoring Line: Check your ISP uptime.
Integrity and Quality
# Check if there is interference in connection with the tools below. Web Integrity Checker: University of Washington and the International Computer Science Institute worked together to create this tool, which will detect whether your ISP inserting ads into web pages or not.
# Line Quality Testing: Checking the packet loss on your connection, plus problems router.
# Network Diagnostic Tester: Test the performance of your network connection with this tool.
# Smokeping: Monitoring your IP address for 24 hours to detect packet loss or latency of profiteering from three different locations with Smokeping.
# PingPlotter: With PingPlotter, you can collect data to see there is no interference or security and performance on your connection.
# Network Neutrality Check: Use this to check if your ISP manipulate your traffic or not.
# Pcapdiff: This tool will compare the packages received to detect whether there are any packages that falsified or discarded.
# Wireshark: Use Wireshark to see the packet received by your PC to make sure you do not become victims of spoofing.
# Use the tools to ensure that you get full access to the various ports you need. Open Port Check Tool: This tool will let you know if your ISP turns out to block a certain port (which many ISPs to block access to port 80 to connect the home).
# Open Port Tool: DynDNS offer this tool to help you find out if there is a port that is blocked your ISP.
Limiting / Throttling
# Is your ISP limits your bandwidth for certain applications? (P2P for example). VoIP connection is cut off? This equipment will help you. Switzerland: An application made EFF to test whether your Internet service provider disrupt your online activities.
# Glasnost: Use this test to see if your ISP limits your Bittorrent traffic or not.
Gemini Project #: Use this with someone pairs and others also use your ISP to connect to find out whether you are limited or not.
# Vuze Network Status Monitor: Checking in throttling client Vuze you collect data and control traffic.
# Network Measurement Agent: This tool uses several different ways to find out whether your ISP bandwidth you hold or not.
How do you test results ISP? Is your ISP to block a specific port, has a bad uptime or restrict your internet connection?
25 Tools to Test Your Internet
Labels: Internet, Networking