Google gives and takes Away: Google Video, notebook, catalog search and Dodgeball close

A number of Google services has just announced that they were going to close. Google Video team announced that it will be closed by adding in a few months, while Google Notebook team announced that it stop the development of (the service will continue to function, however). According to Danny Sullivan, Google is also the closure of Jaiku, twitter type of micro-blogging service, which was bought by Google, before it even started, but lingered in the invite-only so far. Directory Google Search, which made the trade directory for search, will also be closed as soon as possible.

Another, relatively few projects that are currently closed, so Mashup Editor, which was based on the Google App Engine, and did not leave a very limited private beta.
Will you miss these services?

It will be closed by Google Google Video is not surprising, given the fact that Google has its own YouTube is much more popular. Google Search Directory is likely to miss only a very few users. However, we are very sad to see Notebook Google "(one of our favorite Firefox addons), Jaiku, and Dodgeball go. These services have huge potential - and much remains untapped as Jaiku and Dodgeball remained almost unchanged after they were acquired by Google.

Nevertheless, the current economic climate, perhaps even to make a highly profitable company Google, a focus on its core assets. None of the services that are currently open now a lot of users, and probably brought very little, not profit.
And also: Changes in technology and Recruiting

Shutting down these services is only part of the Google ads at this time. In addition, Google announced that it is phasing out almost all of its contracts with outside contractors and vendors to provide a set of services Google. Google also will reduce 100 positions internally.

On the engineering side, Google is finalizing its offices in Austin, Texas, Trondheim, Norway, and Lulea, Sweden. The company asked to staff who work there to move to Mountain View.
With GrandCentral?

One service line-up with Google, we have always wondered about GrandCentral this - another service that was acquired before it is even the public. Just as some of the services that Google now closes, GrandCentral never came out of their invite-only after the acquisition of Google. The fact that it is not closed today, however, leads us to believe that Google still have plans for the service.

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